Job vacancies
The Embassy of Algeria is looking for
1- A highly qualified Translator-French-English-French.
Degree in translation and experience within this field are essential.
2- A qualified Secretary. The candidate must be fluent in Arabic,
English and French and computer literate.
The Consulate of Algeria is looking for:
A full-time Driver with good references and experience.
For the Embassy job vacancies,
please send your applications and CV to the Algerian Embassy,
54 Holland Park, London W11 3RS or
fax to:0207-221-0448 or email to
[email protected]
For the Consulate job vacancy,
please send your applications and CV to the Algerian Consulate,
6 Hyde Park Gate, London SW7 5EW or
fax to:0207-589-7725 or email to
[email protected]